We’ve teamed up with professional Astrologer The Red Mystic to figure out what colors YOU should wear based on your zodiac sign!!!
Get to know yourself in a more compassionate way – Abby offers self-exploratory chart reading services that will help allow you to embrace all that you are! Explore your gifts, challenges and opportunities as Abby illuminates upon the unique blueprint of you. Book your very own chart reading here!

January 20th– February 18th
Color: Turquoise Element: Air
The Aquarius is a rebel who doesn’t fit the mold.
Their uniqueness and ability to not care what others think is their gift. “No” is their favorite word.

February 19th – March 20th
Color: Lavender Element: Water
These gentle and sensitive Pisces live in a fantasy filled watery world.
Deeply soulful and intuitive, they are floating above us all.

March 21 st – April 19th
Color: Red Element: Fire
Think passionate, bold, daring and action oriented.
Considered the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, they are the trailblazers.
They lead and do their own thing. They burn hot!

April 20th– May 20th
Color: Pink Element: Earth
The Taurus is slow, steady and mindful.
They are grounded in their senses and love their creature comforts.
Find a Taurus digging in the earth with beautiful music filling the air.

May 21st – June 20th
Color: Yellow Element: Air
The social butterfly of the Zodiac, the Gemini loves to party, chat, exchange ideas and find levity in life.
They are very easy going and can change their minds quickly.
Try to keep up with a Gemini.

June 21st– July 22nd
Color: White/Silver Element: Water
The sentimental, sensitive and nurturing Cancer thrives when at home surrounded by those they love.
Ruled by the Moon, they are highly intuitive with sharp memories.

July 23rd – August 22nd
Color: Gold Element: Fire
The prideful Leo loves to play dress up and be out front.
They have great taste, a sharp sense of humor and a big generous heart.
Always a party with a Leo.

August 23rd– September 22nd
Color: Green Element: Earth
The ultimate perfectionist, the Virgo is a humble hard worker.
They have very refined taste and may be standing behind the Leo.
Virgos will always have your back.

September 23rd – October 22nd
Color: Light Blue Element: Air
Libras love to be in love as long as it is harmonious and in balance.
The gracious and charming Libra enjoys being surrounded by all things beautiful.

October 23rd – November 21st
Color: Black Element: Water
Scorpio energy is potent, deep and intense.
They have an incredibly strong will and can be your most loyal friend or arch enemy.
Watch the sting.

November 22nd – December 21st
Color: Purple Element: Fire
Freedom and more freedom, said the Sagittarius!
They are fun loving travelers who seek honesty and wisdom. Bigger is better.

December 23rd – January 19th
Color: Gray/Brown Element: Earth
Capricorns are the hardest workers of the Zodiac.
They value their reputation and earn respect through their self-discipline and focus.
Old when young, young when old.
A Message from The Red Mystic
I have been a longtime client of Meg’s. Her incredible sense of style and ability to shop my closet has been beyond helpful. True to her Leo sun sign, she shines brightly with her creative and playful way of making me feel and look my best.
If you want to learn more about your astrological blueprint, please contact me so that I can lead you through a journey of your chart. With optimism and intuition, I will help put the cosmic pieces together to support you in understanding yourself on a deeper level.
Email: abby@theredmystic.com
Website: theredmystic.com
Instagram: Abbytheredmystic
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