As we’re settling into week 2 of learning how to re-live our lives from home, we’re getting a pretty good idea of what it takes to successfully move through the day and work from home. Now more than ever, there is psychological value in the act of getting dressed. Not only does putting on an outfit create a valid start to your day but in the midst of social distancing, many of us are bridging the social gap with life on camera; a tangible motive to finally look and dress our best again!

We’re taking to Zoom for conference calls, getting in touch with family, convening for book club, and even hanging out with our friends. It feels great to see others and be seen! However, it’s no secret that without putting in any effort, web cameras are a recipe for unflattery. Indoor lighting and unforgiving camera angles are enough to kill the air of professionalism, as well as amplify shadows. We’re here to guide you on work from home/play from home outfits that will combat the perils of less-than-great lighting and help you express yourself while putting your best foot forward!

Tips and Tricks to Make a Brighter Presence on Any Video Platform:
Better in Bold
Brighten up dark days by wearing patterns, whites, brights, and shine!
Black reads harsh on camera, so try breaking up dark hues with bold statement jewelry.

Waist-Up Mentality
Let sweat pants be your secret weapon with these cozy-chic outfit ideas on dressing for your next virtual meeting.

Upkeep-ing the ‘Do
What goes on up top can make or break your look, too. Can’t get to your hairstylist? Try these easy-care hair tools and products.
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