Must Have Sunglasses For Guys and Gals!!!!!!

” Method 1: Brass or Silver Polish
  1. Dab a bit of brass or silver polish on the lenses with a cotton ball and gently rub it around.
  2. If there is any excess polish, remove it with a clean, lint-free cloth.
  3. Repeat the process until the scratch has disappeared.
Method 2: Toothpaste
Important: You’ll want to make sure your toothpaste is non-abrasive, non-minty, non-gel, and non-whitening. Your teeth appreciate all those good things, but your lenses sure won’t! Best to stick with a regular paste instead.
  1. With a cotton ball, rub the paste into the scratch in a circular motion. Give your lenses a nice massage for about 10 seconds.
  2. Rinse the toothpaste off with cool water.
  3. If there is any excess, get out a lint-free cloth and wipe it off.
  4. Repeat if necessary, until the scratch is no more.
Method 3: Baking Soda
  1. Mix one (1) part water and two (2) parts baking soda in a small bowl until you have a thick paste.
  2. Rub the baking soda paste into the scratch for 10 seconds, using a cotton ball and a circular motion.
  3. Rinse the paste off with cool water.
  4. You’ll probably have some excess, so wipe it off with a lint-free cloth.
  5. Repeat if necessary.
Method 4: Vehicle Wax
  1. Apply the way you’d apply wax to your ride: with a soft cloth and circular motions.
  2. Wipe away any excess with another cloth. You may need to use multiple cloths, as wax adheres to fabric easily.
  3. Repeat as necessary.
Method 5: Furniture Spray
Like car polish, the wax in furniture spray fills in the scratches. The only problem with this method is that the fix may only last a few days at a time.
  1. Spray your lenses lightly. Don’t go crazy, now.
  2. Break out that lint-free cloth and rub the furniture spray around in a circular motion until the scratch and spray disappear.
  3. Repeat as necessary, possibly every few days.”

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